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Topic:Building the arboreal state: China's tree planting campaigns in the long 20th century

[This talk considers new work in progress: the ways in which tree planting campaigns have been deployed by the Chinese state to resolve a range of outstanding problems: deforestation, soil erosion, poverty/ “people’s livelihoods”, and an acute shortage of woodland products, particularly lumber. The talk draws out the ways in which different state regimes – from Yuan Shikai through the mobilizational People’s Republic and even today have used tree planting campaigns to foster notions of a new modern citizenry willing and able to recast individual short term interests into long term collective interests. The talk will conclude with a brief comparison with Taiwan.]


Date:2024.11.7(Thu )12:20-13:50

Venue:General Building, North Wing, Room 270812

Speaker:Julia Strauss(Professor of Chinese Politics, the School of Oriental      and African Studies (SOAS), University of London ; Visiting Professor of TSE in National Tsing Hua University)

Registration: https://reurl.cc/XR1jZa


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