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【2023/09/18 Speech】


Topic:The Challenge of a Global New Normal: Taiwan in Midst of Challenging Mega Trends

Given Taiwan’s trajectory, the pacific island has become an incessant part of the global political agenda in midst of great powers striving for influence. International tensions about Taiwan will last. The island is crucial for both its geo-strategic importance for security in the Indo-Pacific region and for the global production of key innovation technologies. Beyond international politics, Taiwan’s government noticed Beijing’s increasing pressure on the Asian Democracy over the past years and expressed recurrently its concerns about acts of interfering with the political process in general and cyberattacks, disinformation campaigns in particular. According to the Digital Society Project, Taiwan belongs to the most affected subjects by foreign governments disseminate false information on all key political issues. Being pushed to find creative solutions, Taiwan has developed unique strategies to adapt to new normal situation against the background of an innovation-driven globalized world. How did this come about and what are the prospects for the future?

在大國爭奪影響力的過程中,臺灣已成為全球政治議程中不可排除的一部分。因臺灣而牽動的國際緊張局勢持續,對印太區域的安全和全球關鍵創新技術的生產皆具有重要的地緣戰略意義。除了國際政治外,臺灣政府也注意到過去幾年北京對亞洲民主政體的施壓不斷增加。根據「數位社會資料庫(Digital Society Project)」,臺灣屬於受外國政府在所有關鍵政治問題上傳播虛假信息影響最嚴重的國家。在創新驅動的全球化背景下,臺灣被迫尋找創造性的解決方案及策略來適應新常態。這些策略的背景及未來的前景又如何呢?

Time:112/09/18 (Mon) 12:20-14:00

Place:Room 271112, North Wing, General Building of Colleges, NCCU

Host:Prof. Chiung Chiu Huang (Professor, Graduate Institute of East Asian Studies/ Director, Center for China’s International Grand Strategy)

Speaker:Dr. Josie-Marie Perkuhn (Project manager, "Taiwan as a Pioneer" (TAP) project, University of Trier)


Organized by Graduate Institute of East Asian Studies/ Programme in European Union Studies/ Center for China’s International Grand Strategy, College of International Affairs

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