Michael H. H. Hsiao;Alan Hao Yang*, 2024.12, 'Taiwan’s Approach to Materialize the In do-Pacific Strategies: Building on the New Southbound Policy+, ' Global Taiwan Brief, Vol.9, No.23, pp.4-7.(*為通訊作者)
Alan Hao Yang*, 2024.12, 'Introduction: Youth Power in Shaping the Futures of Taiwan, Hong Kong and the Wider Asia, ' International Journal of China Studies, Vol.15, No.2, pp.1-10.(SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao;Alan Hao Yang*, 2024.12, 'Enabling Student-led Activism in Taiwan-Southeast Asia Connectivity, ' International Journal of China Studies, Vol.15, No.2, pp.41-62.(SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
Alan H. Yang*;Po Yu Lee, 2024.07, 'TAIWAN ALLA RESA DEI CONTI, ' Limes - Italian Review of Geopolitics, Vol.2024, No.4, pp.165-169.(義大利(文))(*為通訊作者)
楊昊*, 2024.06, 'Strategizing the New Southbound Policy in President Lai's "Shin-Lai" (Trustworthy) Diplomacy: Making Taiwan Indispensable and More Reliable, ' Taiwan Strategist, No.22, pp.19-36.(*為通訊作者)
Alan H. Yang*;Michael Hsiao, 2024.06, 'What's New for the Bluebird Movement? Advancing Asian Democratic Solidarity between Taiwan and Southeast Asia via Digital Technology and Partnership, ' Global Taiwan Brief, Vol.9, No.12, pp.15-18.(*為通訊作者)
楊昊*, 2023.12, 'Taiwan's New Southbound Policy and Disaster Preparedness Cooperation: The Cross-Sectoral Partnership in Practice, ' International Journal of China Studies, Vol.14, No.2, pp.35-54.(SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
Alan H. Yang*;H.H.Michael Hsiao, 2023.06, 'Navigating the Politics of Soft Power: Taiwan and Korea’s Regional Approach in Comparison, ' Asian Affairs, Vol.54, No.2, pp.342-353.(SSCI, SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
Alan Hao Yang*, 2022.07, 'From Supply Chain to Survival Chain? Strategising ASEAN-Taiwan Collaboration in the Post- Pandemic Recovery, ' AEI Insights: An International Journal of Asia-Europe Relations, Vol.8, No.1, pp.87-100.(*為通訊作者)
楊昊*, 2022.07, 'TAIWAN SI ÀNCORA A USA E GIAPPONE PER NON FINIRE COME L’UCRAINA, ' Limes review of geopolitics, Vol.2022, No.7/22, pp.63-68.(義大利(文))(*為通訊作者)
楊昊*, 2022.06, 'Strategising Taiwan's New Southbound Policy: The Practice of PPPP Configuration, ' East Asia Policy, Vol.14, No.2, pp.75-92.(SCOPUS, ESCI)(*為通訊作者)
Alan H. Yang*;Judy Shu Hsien Wu, 2020.12, 'Building a Disaster Resilient Community in Taiwan: A Social Capital Analysis of the Meizhou Experience, ' Politics and Governance, Vol.8, No.4, pp.pp. 386–394.(SSCI, SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
楊昊*, 2020.10, 'TAIWAN SI AGGANCIA ALL’ASEAN PER NON RESTARE SOLA, ' Limes – Rivista italiana di geopolitica, No.July 2020, pp.129-134.(義大利(文))(*為通訊作者)
Chia-Chien Chang;AlanH. Yang*, 2020.03, 'Weaponized Interdependence: China’s Economic Statecraft and Social Penetration against Taiwan, ' ORBIS, Vol.64, No.2, pp.312-333.(SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
Alan H. Yang*;Jeremy H.C. Chiang, 2019.05, 'Enabling Human Values in Foreign Policy: The Transformation of Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy, ' Journal of Human Values, Vol.25, No.2, pp.75-86.(SCOPUS, ESCI, ICI)(*為通訊作者)
Abb Pascal*;Alan H. Yang, 2018.03, 'The Impact of Democratization, Political Culture, and Diplomatic Isolation on Think Tank Development in Taiwan, ' Pacific Affairs, Vol.91, No.1, pp.73-94.(SSCI, SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
Alan H. Yang*, 2018.03, 'Unpacking Taiwan’s Presence in Southeast Asia: The International Socialization of the New Southbound Policy, ' Issues & Studies, Vol.54, No.1, pp.1840003-1840033.(SCOPUS, ESCI)(*為通訊作者)
H.H. Michael Hsiao;Alan H. Yang*, 2018.01, 'Repositioning Taiwan in Southeast Asia: Strategies to Enhance People-to-People Connectivity, ' NBR Brief, pp.1-5.(*為通訊作者)
楊昊*, 2017.10, 'Strategic Appraisal of Taiwan's New People-Centered Southbound Policy: The 4Rs Approach, ' Prospect Journal, No.18, pp.1-34.(*為通訊作者)
Alan H. Yang*, 2017.10, 'The South China Sea Arbitration and Its Implications for ASEAN Centrality, ' Asian Yearbook of International Law, No.21, pp.83-95.(*為通訊作者)
Alan H. Yang*, 2017.09, 'Winning the Heart, not only Making Profits: Taiwan’s Southbound Practices vs. China’s Belt & Road Proximity, ' CPI Analysis: The Online Journal of the China Policy Institute, pp.N/A.(*為通訊作者)
楊昊*, 2017.01, 'ASEAN and Disaster Governance: Contending Modalities of Disaster Preparedness, ' Disaster Advances, Vol.10, No.1, pp.11-20.(SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
楊昊*, 2016.10, 'Contextualizing Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy in ASEAN Community: The Need to Prioritize Mutual Interests, ' Prospect Journal, No.16, pp.25-48.(*為通訊作者)
Alan H. Yang*;Ian T.Y. Chen;H.L. Poong, 2015.12, 'Reconfiguring Social Capital in the Making of Track II Diplomacy: A Case Study of the Taipei-Seoul Forum., ' Issues & Studies, Vol.51, No.4, pp.143-172.(SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
Minz Chun-Yen Chang;Po-Yu Lee;Alan Hao Yang*, 2015.10, 'Cultural Mobilization in Re-invigorating Rural Society in Taiwan: The Case of Wanbao Community, ' The Anthropologist, Vol.22, No.1, pp.89-100.(SSCI, SCI, SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
H.H. Michael Hsiao*;Alan Hao Yang*, 2014.12, 'Introduction to the Special Issue: Contending Confucius Institutes in Southeast Asia, ' Issues & Studies, Vol.50, No.4, pp.1-10.(SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
H.H. Michael Hsiao*;Alan Hao Yang*, 2014.12, 'Differentiating the Politics of Dependency: Confucius Institutes in Cambodia and Myanmar, ' Issues & Studies, Vol.50, No.4, pp.11-44.(SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
陳宗巖*;楊昊, 2013.06, 'A Harmonized Southeast Asia? Explanatory Typologies of ASEAN Countries'' Strategies to the Rise of China, ' The Pacific Review, Vol.26, No.3, pp.265-288.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
楊昊*;李柏諭;張喁, 2011.12, 'Does Self-Financing Matter? Recalibrating the Rationale of NGO''s Self-Reliance in Search of Sustainability, ' Journal of Asian Public Policy, Vol.4, No.2, pp.263-278.(SCOPUS, Elsevier-SCOPUS, the Bibliography of Asian Studies)(*為通訊作者)
楊昊*;陳宗巖, 2011.07, 'The Politics of Foreign Aid: A Positive Contribution to Asian Economic Growth?, ' Jurnal Global dan Strategis (Journal of Global and Strategic Studies), Vol.6, No.2, pp.231-245.(*為通訊作者) 參考連結
蕭新煌*;楊昊, 2009.03, 'Soft Power Politics in the Asia Pacific: Chinese and Japanese Quests for Regional Leadership, ' Asia-Pacific Forum, No.43, pp.111-129.(中央研究院出版)(*為通訊作者)
蕭新煌*;楊昊, 2008.11, 'Transformations of China''s Soft Power toward ASEAN, ' China Brief: A Journal of Analysis and Information, Vol.8, No.22, pp.11-15.(Jamestown Foundation)(*為通訊作者)
楊昊, 2008.08, 'Reinvigorating the ASEAN Regional Forum: Preventive Diplomacy and Beyond., ' Pacific Forum CSIS Issues and Insights, Vol.8, No.9, pp.11-14.
楊昊, 2008.01, 'The Future of Taiwan’s Security: Policy Recommendations for Taiwan’s Next President., ' Pacific Forum CSIS Issues and Insights, Vol.8, No.6, pp.13-16.
楊昊, 2008.01, 'Taiwan and the Asia-Pacific: A Stakeholder Missing in Action?, ' Pacific Forum Issues and Insights, Vol.8, No.1, pp.55-58.
Alan H. Yang*, 2023.05, 'Environmental Governance and Disaster Preparredness: Taiwan-Indian Comparative studies and the Prosspect of Collaboration, ' Camparing Democratic Governance in the Indo-Pacific: Taiwan-India Comparison, Pune University, FLAME university, CSEAS NCCU, and TAEF.(*為通訊作者)
Alan H. Yang*, 2023.05, 'Public participaticipation in making and implementing Foreign Policy: Taiwan-Indian Comparative studies, ' Camparing Democratic Governance in the Indo-Pacific: Taiwan-India Comparison, Pune University, FLAME university, CSEAS NCCU, and TAEF.(*為通訊作者)
楊昊*, 2022.08, 'From Supply Chain to Survival Chain? Strategizing ASEAN Collaboration in the Post Pandemic Recovery, ' CISTU International Seminar 2022., College of Interdisciplinary Studies Thammasat University.(*為通訊作者)
楊昊*, 2022.03, 'Strategizing Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy in Southeast Asia, ' Advancing the relations between Taiwan and Southeast Asia: A Regional Apprisal”, CSEAS at GJU and TAEF.(*為通訊作者)
楊昊*, 2015.12, 'Re-ordering Southeast Asia in Nesting Regionalism: ASEAN Centrality and Power Politics in Debates, ' the First Biennial Conference of the Consortium for Southeast Asian Studies in Asia (SEASIA 2015 Conference), CSEAS Kyoto University.(*為通訊作者)
H.H. Michael Hsiao;Alan H. Yang*, 2015.12, 'Bilateralizing Confucius Institutes between China and Southeast Asia: A Survey, ' the First Biennial Conference of the Consortium for Southeast Asian Studies in Asia (SEASIA 2015 Conference), CSEAS Kyoto University.(*為通訊作者)
H.H. Michael Hsiao;Ian T.Y. Chen*;Alan H. Yang, 2015.12, 'Trade, Investment and China's Bilateral Cultural Ties: A Survey of Confucius Institutes in Southeast Asia, ' the First Biennial Conference of the Consortium for Southeast Asian Studies in Asia (SEASIA 2015 Conference), CSEAS Kyoto University.(*為通訊作者)
楊昊*, 2014.03, 'Relocated Transnationality in the Making of Indochinese Border Politics, ' 2014 Southeast Asian Studies Symposium, Project Southeast Asia.(*為通訊作者)
蕭新煌;楊昊*, 2014.02, 'Confucius Institutes and the Politics of Guanxi in Sino-Southeast Asian Context, ' the 2nd Workshop on China’s “Soft” Power in Southeast Asia, SEASREP and Japan Foundation.(*為通訊作者)
H.H. Michael Hsiao*;Alan Hao Yang*, 2012.12, 'Contouring China''s Confucius Institutes in Singapore, Thailand, and Cambodia: How Soft Power Works?, ' 2012亞太區域研究成果發表會, 中研院人社中心亞太區域研究專題中心.(*為通訊作者)
H.H. Michael Hsiao*;Alan Hao Yang*, 2012.11, 'The Rise of Confucius Institutes and the Scrutiny of China''s Soft Power Diplomacy, ' CONFUCIUS INSTITUTES IN ASIA AND BEYOND: EXAMINING CHINA''S SOFT POWER DIPLOMACY, 中研院人社中心亞太區域研究專題中心、中研院社會學研究所.(*為通訊作者)
H.H. Michael Hsiao*;Alan Hao Yang*;Hao-yu Chao*, 2012.11, 'Confucius Institutes in Singapore, Thailand and Cambodia: A Comparative Study, ' CONFUCIUS INSTITUTES IN ASIA AND BEYOND: EXAMINING CHINA''S SOFT POWER DIPLOMACY, 中研院人社中心亞太區域研究專題中心、中研院社會學研究所.(*為通訊作者)
Alan Hao Yang*, 2012.08, 'ASEAN and Disaster Governance: Contending Modalities of Disaster Preparedness in Regional Resilience, ' Exploring frontiers of Southeast Asian area studies : Asian perspectives, August 9-11, 2011, Taipei Taiwan, CAPAS Academia Sinica, CSEAS Kyoto University, pp.332-350.(*為通訊作者)
Alan Hao Yang*, 2012.03, 'The Fungibility Problem of Power Revisited: China-Vietnam Relational Asymmetry and the Limits of Beijing’s Good Neighbor Diplomacy, ' Santa Barbara: Mosher Alumni House, UCSB, National Chengchi University, Orfalea Center for Global and International Studies, Center for Taiwan.(*為通訊作者)
Alan Hao Yang*, 2011.07, 'From Wealth to Power? Statecraft, Power Resources, and (In)Fungibility in Contouring Bejing’s ASEAN Diplomacy (1991-2011), ' Power in a Changing World Economy: Lessons from Emerging Asia,, 國立政治大學國際關係中心頂大計畫.(*為通訊作者)
Alan Hao Yang*;Chun-yen Chen*, 2011.03, 'A Harmonized Southeast Asia? Explanatory Typologies of ASEAN Countries’ Strategies to the Rise of China, ' Global Governance: Political Authority in Transition, International Studies Association.(*為通訊作者)
楊昊*, 2011, 'Political Democratization in Taiwan: A State-building Process in the Context of Emerging Regional Community, ' International Conference held by University of Indonesia, Indonesia, University of Indonesia.(*為通訊作者)
楊昊, 2011, 'Emerging Local Logic in Regional Integration: Embedded Localism and Competitive Localism in China-ASEAN Relations, ' International Conference held by University of Hue, Vietnam.
Alan Hao Yang*, 2010.12, 'All International Politics are Local? Localizing Border Politics between Thailand and Cambodia, ' Local Politics and Social Cleavages in Transforming Asia, CSEAS of Kyoto University.(*為通訊作者)
Alan Hao Yang*, 2010.12, 'Transformative Features of US-ASEAN Relations: The Needs for Reinvigorating Multilateralism?, ' The 39th Taiwan-American Conference on Contemporary China--The Rise of China and Alliance in East Asia: Implications for Diplomatic Truce, 國立政治大學國際關係中心.(*為通訊作者)
楊昊*, 2010.10, 'Contouring East Asian Security with the Rise of China., ' 19th Seoul-Taipei Forum, Held by IIR-NCCU and The Seoul Forum for International Affairs..(*為通訊作者)
楊昊;Chyungly Lee, 2010.10, 'Taiwan’s Perspective on East Asian Regional Architecture., ' 12th ASEAN ISIS-IIR Taiwan Dialogue., Held by IIR-NCCU and ISIS-Malaysia..
Alan Hao Yang*, 2010.06, 'Changing Faces of China’s Engagement in Southeast Asia: Strategic Ascendancy and Its Challenges, ' China in the Security Policy of the Far East, Confucius Institute in Krakow and Department of Middle East and Far East Studies, Jagiellonian Univ.(*為通訊作者)
Yang Hao, 2005.03, 'Reperusing Common Values:Theoretical Reconstruction and Evaluation of the the Learning Process and Regional Governance of ASEAN, ' International Conference on "ASEAN`s Affiliated NGOs in the Context of Global Governance: Lessons for the Republic of China(Taiwan)", MCU.
Hsieh, Alex C.W.;Matsumura, Masahiro;Alan Hao Yang*, 2024.12, 'Crafting the Economic Security in the Indo-Pacific Region, ' Crafting the Economic Security in the Indo-Pacific Region, Singapore.(*為通訊作者)
Alan H Yang*;Masahiro Matsumura, 2023.06, 'Navigating the New Political Economy in Southeast Asia Perspectives from Japan, Taiwan and the Region, ' World Scientific.(*為通訊作者)
Yumi Kitamura*;Alan H. Yang*;Ju Lan Thung, 2022.10, 'When East Asia Meets Southeast Asia Presence and Connectedness in Transformation Revisited, ' World Scientific.(*為通訊作者)
Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao;Alan H. Yang*, 2022.08, 'The New Southbound Policy: Strategizing Taiwan’s Warm Power Practice, ' The New Southbound Policy: Strategizing Taiwan’s Warm Power Practice, Taiwan-Asia Exchange Foundation (TAEF).(*為通訊作者)
Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao*;Alan Hao Yang*, 2021.11, 'The Volatility and Future of Democracies in Asia, ' Routledge.(*為通訊作者)
Sana Hashmi;Alan Hao Yang*, 2024.12, 'Exploring the New Frontier of Foreign Policy: Soft Power Strategies and Think Tank Diplomacy, ' International Relations - Emerging Debates, Enduring Questions, and Contending Voices, interchopen, pp.forthcoming.(*為通訊作者)
Hsieh, Alex C.W.;Matsumura, Masahiro;Alan Hao Yang*, 2024.12, 'Crafting the Economic Security as the Encompassing of Stability and prosperity, ' Crafting the Economic Security in the Indo-Pacific Region, Singapore, pp.forthcoming.(*為通訊作者)
Alan Hao Yang*, 2024.12, 'Shifting from Supply Chain to Survival Chain? Delineating the 3 Ds analysis of on Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy to ASEAN neighbors, ' Crafting the Economic Security in the Indo-Pacific Region, Singapore, pp.forthcoming.(*為通訊作者)
Lin, Claire L.;Yang, Alan H.*;Wei, Chong-Lun, 2024.12, 'The Geo-economic Competition of EV Industries and Its Implication to the Indo-Pacific Economic Security, ' Crafting the Economic Security in the Indo-Pacific Region, Singapore, pp.forthcoming.(*為通訊作者)
Saifon Suindramedhi,;Alan Hao Yang*, 2024.12, 'Economic Security at the Localities: Contextualizing Local Community in Thailand’s Economic Resilience, ' Crafting the Economic Security in the Indo-Pacific Region, Singapore, pp.forthcoming.(*為通訊作者)
Hsin Huang Michael Hsiao;Alan Hao Yang*, 2024.12, 'Taiwan's New Southbound Policy, ' Routledge Handbook of Contrmporary Taiwan, Routledge, pp.221-238.(*為通訊作者)
楊昊*, 2023.10, 'Unpacking Taiwan-Vietnam Relations Empirical Study of Taiwan's Image in Vietnam, ' Taiwan and Southeast Asia Soft Power and Hard Truths Facing China's Ascendancy, Routledge, pp.216-234.(*為通訊作者)
楊昊*, 2023.06, 'Unpacking Taiwan-Vietnam Relations: Empirical Study of Taiwan’s Image in Vietnam, ' Taiwan and Southeast Asia Soft Power and Hard Truths Facing China’s Ascendancy, Routledge, pp.216-234.(*為通訊作者)
Masahiro Matsumura;Alan H Yang*, 2022.12, 'Introduction: Delineating Driving Forces for New Political Economy in Greater Southeast Asia, ' Navigating the New Political Economy in Southeast Asia Perspectives from Japan, Taiwan and the Region, World Scientific, pp.1-10.(*為通訊作者)
Alan H. Yang*, 2022.11, 'Unpacking the International Security in The Indo-Pacific: Rationale and New Dynamics of SIX Mores and Its Implications, ' Transformation of International Relations during Covid-19 Pandemic, PT KANISIUS PUBLISHER, pp.10-22.(*為通訊作者)
Yumi Kitamura,*;Alan H Yang;Ju Lan Thung, 2022.10, 'Introduction: Crafting the People-Centered Connectedness in Southeast Asian Regionalism, ' WHEN EAST ASIA MEETS SOUTHEAST ASIAPresence and Connectedness in Transformation Revisited, World Scientific, pp.xi-xvi.(*為通訊作者)
Alan H Yang*, 2022.10, 'Unpacking Taiwan’s Presence in Southeast Asia: The International Socialization of the New Southbound Policy, ' WHEN EAST ASIA MEETS SOUTHEAST ASIAPresence and Connectedness in Transformation Revisited, World Scientific, pp.27-60.(*為通訊作者)
HH Michael Hsiao*;AlanH. Yang;Liang Chi Russell Hsiao, 2019.11, 'Taiwan's Foreign Policy: Evolution, Challenges and Opportunities, ' The SAGE Handbook of Asian Foreign Policy, Sage, pp.657-684.(*為通訊作者)
Maris Diokno*;H.H. Michael Hsiao;Alan H. Yang, 2018.10, 'China's Soft Footprint in Southeast Asia: Accommodation and Contestation, ' China's Footprints in Southeast Asia, National University of Singapore Press, pp.1-30.(*為通訊作者)
H.H. Michael Hsiao;Alan H. Yang*, 2018.10, 'Confucius Institutes in Southeast Asia: Assessing the New Trends in China's Soft Diplomacy, ' China's Footprint in Southeast Asia, National University of Singapore Press, pp.194-225.(*為通訊作者)
Alan H. Yang*;H.H. Michael Hsiao, 2016.01, 'Tai-shang (Taiwan Business) in Southeast Asia: Profile and Issues, ' Chinese Global Production Networks in ASEAN, Springer, pp.213-230.(*為通訊作者)
楊昊*, 2015.10, 'Prioritizing National Interests in the South China Sea: Policy Continuities and Changes in Key ASEAN Countries, ' A Bridge over Troubled Waters: Prospects for Peace in the South and East China Seas, Prospect Foundation, pp.155-176.(*為通訊作者)
楊昊*, 2014, 'China-Vietnam Relational Asymmetries: A Fungibility Problem, ' Power in a Changing World Economy: Lessons from East Asia, Routledge, pp.125-143.(*為通訊作者) 參考連結
楊昊;Pei-shan Lee, 2005, 'Re-perusing Common Values: Theoretical Reconstruction and Evaluation of Learning Process and Regional Governance of ASEAN, ' ASEAN''s Affiliated NGOs in the Context of Global Governance: Lessons for the Republic of China (Taiwan) Meeting Minutes and Proceedings., Ming Chuan University.