Wei-Feng Tzeng;Hsin Hsien Wang*, 2024.06, 'Institutional Isolation: A Network Analysis of Xi Jinping’s Inspection Tour, ' Journal of Chinese Political Science,.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)(本論著未刊登但已被接受)
Wen-Hsuan Tsai,;Ruihua Lin*;Hsin-Hsien Wang, 2024.05, 'Urban Management in Authoritarian China: How the Smart City Is Used to Enhance Comprehensive Law Enforcement, ' Journal of Contemporary China, Vol.33, No.148, pp.603-617.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Hsin-Hsien Wang*;Wei-Feng Tzeng, 2023.03, 'No Turning Back? Assessing China’s Intention to Use Force in Solving the Taiwan Issue after 2018, ' Issues & Studies, Vol.59, No.1, pp.2340007-1-22.(SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
Wei-Feng Tzeng*;Hsin Hsien Wang, 2022.11, 'Co-optation or Coercion Protest Targeting and Mass Violence in China, ' China: An International Journal, Vol.20, No.4, pp.86-109.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Hsin-Hsien Wang*;Shan-Yun Shi, 2022.09, 'Comprehensive Law-based Governance in China? Legislating Authoritarianism in the Xi Jinping Era, ' Journal of Contemporary East Asia Studies, Vol.11, No.2, pp.195-213.(SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
Ruihua Lin;Hsin-Hsien Wang;Wen-Hsuan Tsai*, 2022.02, 'China’s Cloud Governance: The Big Data Bureau and COVID-19 Crisis Management, ' China Review, Vol.22, No.1, pp.135-158.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
王信賢*, 2022.01, '如何解讀中國的「共同富裕」, ' 成均中國摘要(SUNGKYUN CHINA BRIEF), No.62, pp.20-32.(韓語(文))(*為通訊作者)
Wen-Hsuan Tsai;Hsin-Hsien Wang;Ruihua Lin*, 2021.07, 'Hobbling Big Brother: Top-Level Design and Local Trial and Error in China’s Social Credit System, ' The China Journal, No.No.86, pp.1-20.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Hsin Hsien Wang;Wei-Feng Tzeng*;Shinn-Shyr Wang;Wei-Chih Chiu, 2021.04, 'A King stifling voices of dissent? Popular Protests and State Responses in Xi’s China, ' Pacific Focus, Vol.32, No.1, pp.92-115.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
Hsin-Hsien Wang*;Wei-Feng Tzeng, 2021.03, 'Building a Hyper-Stability Structure: The Mechanisms of Social Stability Maintenance in Xi’s China, ' Issues & Studies, Vol.57, No.1, pp.215002-1-22.(SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
Hsin-Hsien Wang;Shinn-Shyr Wang;Wei-Feng Tzeng*, 2020.06, 'Between A Rock and A Hard Place: How Small and Medium Countries Respond to the Competing Great Powers in Asia-Pacific Region, ' Issues & Studies, Vol.56, No.2, pp.2040007-1-24.(SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
Shinn-Shyr Wang;Hsin-Hsien Wang*;Wei-Feng Tzeng, 2019.01, 'The Nature of Popular Protest and the Employment of Repressive State Capacity in China, ' Issues & Studies, Vol.55, No.1, pp.1950004-1-28..(SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
Wei-Feng Tzeng*;Hsin Hsien Wang, 2017.11, 'Choosing Democracy in China? Explaining the Choice of Electoral Rule in the Chinese Village Committee Elections, ' Asian Affairs: an American Review, Vol.44, No.4, pp.99-124.(SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
Wei-Feng Tzeng*;Hsin-Hsien Wang, 2024.03, 'Why Rebel Against the Core? Decoding Protests Targeting Different Government Levels in Xi Jinping's China, ' Western Political Science Association(WPSA) Annual Meeting, WPSA.(*為通訊作者)
王信賢*, 2023.10, 'Philanthropic Authoritarianism: Social Governance and Mobilization in Xi’s China, ' The 65th Annual Conference of The American Association for Chinese Studies, AACS, AACS.(*為通訊作者)
Hsin-Hsien Wang*, 2023.07, 'The Most Dangerous Place On Earth!? US-China Competition And Cross-Strait Relations, ' Narratives and Public Spaces in and between Europe and Asia, Tier University.(*為通訊作者)
Hsin-Hsien Wang*;Wei-Feng Tzeng, 2023.04, 'No Turning Back? Assessing China’s Intention to Use Force in Solving the Taiwan Issue after 2018, ' Southwestern Social Science Association (SSSA)Annual Meeting, SSSA.(*為通訊作者)
Wei-Feng Tzeng*;Hsin-Hsien Wang, 2023.04, 'Disciplining Officials or Embracing Populism? Examining Xi Jinping’s Domestic Travels, ' Southwestern Social Science Association (SSSA)Annual Meeting, SSSA.(*為通訊作者)
林瑞華*;蔡文軒;王信賢, 2022.11, 'Urban Management in Authoritarian China: How the Smart City Can Enhance Comprehensive Law Enforcement, ' 巨變中國:二十大與中共的再集權化, 台大政治系、政大東亞所、中研院政治所、文化國發大陸所.(*為通訊作者)
Wei-Feng Tzeng*;Hsin-Hsien Wang, 2022.07, 'The Anatomy of Diplomatic Work among Chinese Top Leaderships, ' China in Contemporary International Relations: Beyond the boundaries of Western and Non-Western intellectual traditions, Warsaw University.(*為通訊作者)
Hsin-Hsien Wang*;Wei-Feng Tzeng, 2019.10, 'Building a Hyper-Stability Structure: The Mechanisms of Social Stability Maintenance in Xi’s China, ' International Conference on Changes in the Chinese Party-State in the Xi Jinping Era, National Chengchi University.(*為通訊作者)
Hsin-Hsien Wang*;Shinn-Shyr Wang;Wei-Feng Tzeng;Yi-Fen Niki Chiang, 2019.07, 'Between A Rock and A Hard Place:How Small and Medium Countries Respond to the Competing Great Powers in Asia-Pacific Region, ' An Asia-Pacific Response to the Changing US-China Relations, Institute of International Relations.(*為通訊作者)
Hsin-Hsien Wang*;Wei-Feng Tzeng, 2019.04, 'Social Protests and State Responses in Contemporary China: A Comparison of Four “Anti-PX” Incidents, ' The 77th Annual Conference of Midwest Political Science Association, MPSA.(*為通訊作者)
Hsin-Hsien Wang*;Wei-Feng Tzeng, 2019.04, 'Favor vs. Fear: Protest Targeting and Mass Violence in China, ' The 77th Annual Conference of Midwest Political Science Association, MPSA.(*為通訊作者)
Hsin Hsien Wang*;Wei-Feng Tzeng, 2018.07, 'Social Protests and State Responses in Contemporary China: A Comparison of Four “Anti-PX” Incidents., ' The 2018 IPSA World Congress of Political Science, International Associatio of Political Science.(*為通訊作者)
Wei-Feng Tzeng*;Hsin-Hsien Wang, 2018.04, 'A Rural-Urban Divide? Reassessing Voting in Chinese Villagers’ Committee and Residents’ Committee Elections, ' The 2018 Annual Conference of Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA), MPSA.(*為通訊作者)
Hsin-Hsien Wang*;Wei-Feng Tzeng;Shinn-Shyr Wang;Wei-Chih Chiu, 2018.04, 'An Eye for an Eye? Analyzing Citizens' Use of Violence in China's Popular Protest, ' The 2018 Annual Conference of Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA), MPSA.(*為通訊作者)
Hsin Hsien Wang*;Chien-wen Kou;Shinn-Shyr Wang, 2015.04, 'Factors Leading to the Promotion of Provincial Leaders in Contemporary China: Factions, Economic Growth, or Social Stability?, ' The 2015 Annual Conference of Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA), MPSA.(*為通訊作者)
Wei-Feng Tzeng*;Hsin Hsien Wang, 2015.04, 'Choosing Democracy in China? Explaining the Choice of Electoral Rule in the Chinese Village Committee Elections, ' The 2015 Annual Conference of Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA), MPSA.(*為通訊作者)
王信賢, 2008.05, 'In Search of NGOs in Contemporary China: The Two Paths and Dilemmas, ' the Sixth International Symposium of the Center for China-US Cooperation, Center for China Studies, National Taiwan University and the Center for China-US Cooperation, Univer.
王信賢, 2007.05, 'Embeddedness or Autonomy? Environmental NGOs in Transforming China: The Perspective of Bureaucracy Competition Model, ' International Symposium on Civil Society Development and Local Government Innovation, Zhejiang University.
Hsin Hsien Wang*;Wei-Feng Tzeng, 2024.03, 'Building a Hyper-Stability Structure: The Mechanisms of Social Stability Maintenance in Xi’s China, ' Political and Social Control in China: the Consolidation of On-party Rule, Australian National University Press, pp.193-220.(*為通訊作者)
Hsin-Hsien Wang*;Shinn-Shyr Wang;Wei-Feng Tzeng, 2022.06, 'Between A Rock and A Hard Place: How Small and Medium Countries Respond to the Competing Great Powers in Asia-Pacific Region, ' The Strategic Options of Middle Powers in the Asia-Pacific, Routledge, pp.Ch8..(*為通訊作者)
王信賢, 2011, 'The Evolution into NGOs in Contemporary China: The Two Approaches and Dilemmas, ' In Search of China’s Development Model: Beyond the Beijing Consensus, Routledge.