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YU-SHAN WU Professor
Title Professor
Ext. 50801
E-mail yushanwu@gate.sinica.edu.tw
Classification University Chair
Research expertise Mainland China Studies, Russian and East European Studies, Comparative Socialist Political Economy Transformation, Ethnic Politics
Journal Papers
  • 吳玉山, 1996.10, 'Exploring Dual Triangles: the Development of Taipei-Washington-Beijing Relations, '.
  • 吳玉山, 1996.09, 'Review of "The Waning of the Communist State: Economic Origins of Political Decline in China and Hungary", '.
  • 吳玉山, 1996.04, 'From a Clash of Ideologies to a Duel of Nation States: the Impact of the PRC''s Missile Tests, '.
  • 吳玉山, 1996, 'Taiwan''s New Growth Pattern, '.
  • 吳玉山, 1996, 'Away from Socialism: the Asian Way, '.
  • 吳玉山, 1996, '從臺北-華盛頓-北京的戰略關係看臺海危機, '.
  • 吳玉山, 1995.09, 'Theorizing on the Political Economy of Cross-Strait Relations: an Analogy with Russia and Its Neighbors, '.
  • 吳玉山, 1995.07, 'The Modernization of Factionalism in Chinese Politics, '.
  • 吳玉山, 1995.06, 'The Impact of Cross-Strait Relations on Twiwan''s Growth Pattern, '.
  • 吳玉山, 1995.02, '兩岸關係對臺灣經濟成長模式的影響, '.
  • 吳玉山, 1995.01, 'Taiwan in 1994: Managing a Critical Relationship, '.
  • 吳玉山, 1995, 'Economic Reform, Cross-Straits Relations, and the Politics of Issue Linkage, '.
  • 吳玉山, 1995, '九七對兩岸關係和大陸政策的影響:空間與時間緩衝的消失, '.
  • 吳玉山, 1994.09, 'Mainland China''s Economic Policy toward Taiwan: Economic Needs or Unification Scheme, '.
  • 吳玉山, 1994.04, '破與立:審視東歐民主轉型的理論, '.
  • 吳玉山, 1994.01, 'Taiwan in 1993: Attempting a Diplomatic Breakthrough, '.
  • 吳玉山, 1994, '兩岸關係的變化與前景:經濟合作,政治疏離, '.
  • 吳玉山, 1993.07, 'The Collapse of the Bipolar System and mainland China''s Foreign Policy, '.
  • 吳玉山, 1992.12, 'The Collapse of the Soviet Union: a Crises and Sequences Approach, '.
  • 吳玉山, 1992.09, '蘇聯與南斯拉夫的解體及其對北約的影響, '.
  • 吳玉山, 1992.06, '美國對前蘇聯的態度--理想主義或現實主義, '.
  • 吳玉山, 1992.03, 'Review of "The East Asian Region: Confucian Heritage and Its Modern Adaptation", '.
  • 吳玉山, 1991.12, 'Hungary and Mainland China (PRC): a Comparison of Industrial Reform, '.
  • 吳玉山;張煥卿, 1991, '大陸經改與兩岸關係, '.
  • 吳玉山, 1990.09, 'Reforming the Revolution: Industrial Policy in China, '.
  • 吳玉山, 1990.01, 'The Linkage between Economic and Political Reform in the Socialist Countries: a Supply-Side Explanation, '.
  • 吳玉山, 1989.06, 'Review of ''Communism and Reform in East Asia'', '.
  • 吳玉山, 1989.04, 'Marketization of Politics: the Taiwan Experience, '.
  • 吳玉山, 1989, 'Working Like Zombies, '.
Conference Papers
  • 吳玉山, 'Leninist States and Property Rights: Economic Reform in the PRC, ' The 1989 Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association.
  • 吳玉山, 'Economic Reform, Cross-Straits Relations and the Politics of Issue Linkage, ' The Conference on Canada-Taiwan (ROC) Relations.
  • 吳玉山, 'The Political Leadership in Reform China: Macro and Micro Informal Politics Linkages, ' The 1993 Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies.
  • 吳玉山, 'Nationalism, Democratization, and Economic Reform, ' The 1993 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association.
  • 吳玉山, 'Economic Integration vs. Political Divergence between Taiwan and Mainland China, ' The 1993 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association.
  • 吳玉山, 'Failure of Collective Security in Post-Cold War Europe: the Case of Yugoslavia, ' The Conference on Economic Cooperation and Collective Security, World League for Freedom and Democracy.
  • 吳玉山, 'Economic Reform under Different Political Contents: Poland and the PRC International Studies Association, ' The 1994 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association.
  • 吳玉山, '臺灣經濟成長與兩岸關係經貿關係, ' 第四屆海峽關係研討會.
  • 吳玉山, 'Resisting Reform: a Theoretical Explanation of the Reaction Mode of Mainland China, Romania, North Korea and Vietnam, ' The 1994 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association.
  • 吳玉山, 'The Political Economy of Economic Transformation: Shock Therapy vs. Gradualism, ' The 1995 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association.
  • 吳玉山, 'Away from Socialism: the Asian Way, ' The Asia Conference.
  • 吳玉山, 'Has the PRC''s Economy Soft-landed? A Political-Economic Approach, ' Conference on PRC Tomorrow: Mainlan China''s Development under the Ninth Five-Year Plan.
  • 吳玉山, 'Exploring Dual Triangles: the Development of Taipei-Washington-Beijing Relations, ' The 1996 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association.
Book Edited
  • 吳玉山, 1996, '遠離社會主義:中國大陸、蘇聯和波蘭的經濟轉型, ' 正中.
  • 吳玉山, 1995, '共產世界的變遷:四個共黨政權的比較, ' 東大.
  • 吳玉山;林文程, 1995, '後鄧時期對大陸及臺灣的震盪, ' 國家發展文教基金會.
  • 吳玉山, 1994, 'Comparative Economic Transformations: Mainland China, Hungary, the Soviet Union, and Taiwan, ' Stanford University Press.
Research Report
  • 吳玉山;林文程, 1995, '後鄧小平時期大陸可能情勢演變及我國因應措施, ' 陸委會.
  • 吳玉山, 1995, '東歐民主化之研究, ' 國科會.
  • 吳玉山, 1995, '中國大陸派系鬥爭與經濟循環互動之研究, ' 國科會.
  • 吳玉山;包宗和, 1994, '政治學門人力資源現況調查分析研究, ' 國科會.
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