Agenda for the 56th Anniversary of the GIEAS – Graduate Thesis Conference
Date: Saturday, December 14, 2024 |
Venue: Conference Room 5, 7th Fl., Administrative Building, No. 64, Section 2, Zhinan Road, Wenshan District, Taipei City |
Time / Thesis Title / Presenter |
Discussant |
09:20-09:25 |
Opening |
09:25-10:40 |
Session 1: Southeast Asian Studies Chair: Prof. Tsai-Wei Sun 孫采薇(Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of East Asian Studies, NCCU) |
1-1 Deng Xiaoping and the Sino-Vietnamese War: A Factional Political Approach (鄧小平與中越戰爭:一個派系政治途徑的視角) (2nd Year Master's Student, Po-Rui Hsu 徐泊睿) |
Szu-Shen Ho何思慎(Professor, Department of Japanese Language and Culture, Fu Jen Catholic University) |
1-2 How Vietnam Responds to China's Initiative on a Shared Future for Humanity (越南如何回應中國倡議的人類命運共同體) (2nd Year Master's Student, Yu-Zhan Peng 彭鈺展) |
Shu-xian Wu吳書嫺(PhD, Graduate Institute of East Asian Studies, NCCU) |
1-3 The Rise and Fall of Political Participation of Indonesian Chinese After the Post-Suharto Era: A Case Study of the 1999-2024 Elections (後蘇哈托時期印尼華人政治參與之興衰─以1999年至2024) 年大選為例 (2nd Year Master's Student, Tzu-Hsien Chao 趙子賢) |
Ke-Li Teng 鄧克禮(Assistant Professor, Institute of Strategic Studies, National Defense University) |
1-4 The South China Sea Dispute from Non-Claimant States: A New Classical Realist Analysis (非南海聲索國的南海爭議:新古典現實主義的分析框架) ((2nd Year Master's Student, Han-Wen Hsu 許瀚汶) |
Chi-nien Wang王綺年(Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Chinese Culture University) |
1-5 Analyzing Patriotism in Thai Films and TV Dramas (泰國電影電視劇中的愛國主義分析) (3rd Year Master's Student, Fei Duan段非) |
Yi-Chih Huang黃意植 (Associate Research Fellow, National Applied Research Laboratories) |
10:40-10:50 |
Break |
10:50-12:05 |
Session 2: Chinese Mainland Studies Chair: Prof. Chih-Shian Liu劉致賢 (Professor and Director, Graduate Institute of East Asian Studies, NCCU) |
2-1 "Strategic Triangle" or "Balance of Power": The Wu-Shu Alliance and the Foreign Behavior of Sun Wu (「戰略三角」還是「權力平衡」:吳蜀聯盟與孫吳的對外行為) (2nd Year Master's Students, Po-Rui Hsu, Yun-Chung Wu, Tzu-Hsien Chao徐泊睿、吳允中、趙子賢) |
Teng-Chi Chang張登及(Professor, Department of Political Science, National Taiwan University) |
2-2 The Pragmatic New Maoism: Xi Jinping's Ideology and Leadership Style (工具理性的新毛主義:習近平意識形態與領導風格的權變) (PhD student, Shih-Yin Liang 梁師音) |
Ming-Hao Liu 劉明浩(Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Institute of Political Science, Academia Sinica) |
2-3 Xi Jinping's Control over Education: Political Socialization through Curriculum Reform (習近平時代對教育的控制:政治社會化的教材編改途徑) (2nd Year Master's Student, Kuan-Yu Chen 陳冠諭) |
Jean Yu-chen Tseng曾于蓁(Associate Professor, National Defense University) |
2-4 Agenda Institutionalization: How Xi Jinping Reshapes His Political Legitimation (3rd Year Master's Student, Wei-Zhen Zhou 周威震) |
Yi-Nung Tsai 蔡儀儂(Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Institute of Political Science, Academia Sinica) |
2-5 Assessing the Effectiveness of the Renminbi in Africa: Advantages, Disadvantages, and Future Prospects (審時度勢,透視人民幣在非洲的實施效果:優勢、劣勢與未來 前景) (2nd Year Master's Student, Wei-Rong Wu 吳威融) |
Ya-Ling Lin林雅鈴(Associate Research Fellow, Institute for National Defense and Security Research) |
12:05~12:10 |
Closing |
*Registration Link: (For faculty, students, and alumni of the Graduate Institute of East Asian Studies)
*Presentation Guidelines and Time Allocation: