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Date 2019-07-29

徵稿公告: 第二屆「理解中國銳實力與國際統戰」工作坊
Call for Paper:Workshop for Chinese United Front Work and Sharp Power


Date:November 1 and 19, 2019
Place: The Institute of International Relations, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan



Deadline to submit abstracts: September 15. 2019. The English abstract should be between 300 and 800 words. Please include a brief c.v. and send them to Jasper Lio: jasper10@nccu.edu.tw. We will announce the result before October 1st.



Deadline to submit the full paper: January 31, 2020. The paper should be between 7000 and 10000 words (in English). Format of notes and references and the submission please see: https://www.worldscientific.com/page/is/submission-guidelines. Papers should be submitted to Issues & Studies at http://www.editorialmanager.com/wspc-is/default.aspx. Submission will be sent for peer review. Papers that pass initial review by the editors will receive a remuneration.

Suggested or Proposed Topics:

1.     Methods and methodology behind processing qualitative or quantitative data on China’s foreign influence operations;
2.     The definitions, debates, and theoretical frameworks on united front work and sharp power;
3.     Understanding bilateral relationships between China and ‘one-belt-one-road’ countries through the concepts of united front work or sharp power;
4.     How China utilizes and expands its influence through sponsorship, investment, business mergers and acquisitions, tourism, cultural and academic exchanges and other civil activities;
5.     The history, cases, development, or institutions of CCP’s ‘Grand Foreign Propaganda’ (da wai xuan);
6.     Issues related to Overseas Chinese Offices, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs Offices, Hanban, Confucius Institutes and other offices dealing with overseas affairs;
7.     Studies on CCP’s Central United Front Work Department, provincial and local united front work activities, and their social and overseas organs;
8.     Studies on the nine UFW ‘targets’:  Chinese democrats, religious and ethnic minorities, Hong Kong-Macao-Taiwan residents, bureaucrats, businessmen, intellectuals, Tibetans, Uyghurs, and the ‘New Social Stratum’;
9.     History, policy, regulations, institutions of religious and ethnic relations; domestically, transnationally, or comparatively (broadly defined);
10.  Studies on think tanks, social media, publications, or subjects related to agenda setting, public opinion management, or the ‘struggle for the power of discourse’ (huayu quan zheng duo).

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